Monday, April 29, 2013

Kids Coach Practice

Tonight we had our traditional "kids coach the parents" practice.  This is one of my favorite things to do every season!  (Although not necessarily Carolyn's favorite, since her dad "knows it all"!)
 The kids teach their parents how to pass and catch, cradle, scoop and  shoot.
Carolyn's dad can be a real hot dog.
 We follow the lessons with lots of games (and lots of running!)
 And then we have a parents vs. kids scrimmage.  And usually, there is a lot of cheating!
 Carolyn and Jim faced off for the draw.
 I won't say it was pretty lacrosse, but it sure was fun!
 This was a great group of girls and an awesome group of parents!


  1. my absolute favorite thing we do every season. Although last night I almost had a riot when the kids wanted to make their parents run a lap! ;)
