Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I just bought a MAC DADDY laundry sorter. (Oh, the things that make you happy when you have three kids!)

As you can see, the old one was in bad shape.

Such bad shape that the mountains of dirty laundry were the only thing holding it upright. (Perilously!)


And it has wheels. That roll. This is one of the best time saving devices in my house. I do ALOT.OF.LAUNDRY. With three bags (darks, whites and colors) the laundry is already sorted so all I have to do is throw in the load when I have a minute. And since my new one is so heavy duty I am able to roll the whole thing to the laundry room instead of toting the basket or bags. My kids have been sorting their own laundry since they were two or three. When they were really small, I attached a tag to each bag that had a picture of a child dressed all in white, all in blues and in all different colors to show them which bag was which. They almost always got it right. It works for me! Now head on over to Works for Me Wednesday (hosted by Chili this week while Shannon is out of the country!) and check out the other great tips!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh....I'm so jealous! Mine looks like your "before." I've been wanting something like your "after." Thanks for the inspiration!

Jendeis said...

I just sat up and clapped! I'm getting the same thing at Costco this weekend (coupon in the passport). No more having to sort out laundry when I want to be doing laundry. :)

ttelroc said...

I have always wanted one of those laundry sorters, but I don't have the room for it. However, your little note about putting a picture of your kids on the bags wearing the clothing -- that is just so ingenius!! I just LOVE it!

I'm #201 this week.
Have A Great Day!

Kim Thomas said...

I bought a laundry sorter from IKEA a couple of years ago. It completely simplifies my laundry ritual.

I mom, therefore I blog.