32-pigs-in-a-blanket I made for Coleman's lit blitz breakfast
17-soccer trophies I ordered
9-days the Halloween disaster decorations have been sitting on my dining room table waiting to be put away
5-days Jim was out of town this week
4-trips made to the soccer field (will it EVER end?)
4-hours at the hospital getting a follow-up mammogram (everything is fine, thanks!)
4-interceptions I watched Jarrett Lee throw (grr.)
3-gift cards won at BINGO
2.5-hours spent waiting for the cable guy to show
1-old friend visited with
1-soccer game I "refereed"
1-goal scored by Coleman
0-children who fell off of Stone Mountain (47-times I thought about pushing one of them!)
Not so bad compare to the week before!
I am impressed you referee'ed
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