Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Favorite Online Store

Shannon over at Rocks in my Dryer is sponsoring a themed Works for me Wednesday today: favorite online stores. I have several. (Other than Amazon for books, of course!) My boys play lacrosse (a "Yankee" sport!) Because we live in Georgia and the sport is still up and coming there are not a lot of stores (count: one-almost an hour away!) to get gear and T-shirts, etc. I love Chalktalk Sports. They have fun and practical items for all sports, including lacrosse. And great T-shirts. Like THIS and THIS.

Another favorite is J-Caroline. They have the MOST. FABULOUS. FABRICS and trims. I adore the Michael Moore line.  Look at THIS and THIS!

It works for me! Now head on over to Rocks in My Dryer for other great shopping spots!

1 comment:

Mom2fur said...

I'm doing the 'Control-F' search thing for 'fabric,' since that is what I like to buy most. It hopped me down to your entry. I love that J-Caroline site! The sage green toile is great. I can see that in a small child's room. Sure would get decorating out of the pink/blue rut, wouldn't it?
I was watching "Mission: Organization" this morning and they redid this woman's sewing room. They put up shelves for all her fabric and special drawers for thread, zippers, etc. Gee, I thought my two little shelves of fabric was a lot, but this woman could have started her own store she had so much, LOL. Then again, can you ever have 'too much' fabric!

I mom, therefore I blog.