Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Art on the Go

My kids love to draw and color. Especially in the car. It had gotten to the point that every time we tried to get in the car to go somewhere, we were waiting on someone while they ran back in the house to get paper. or a pencil or something. So I bought supplies to keep in the car. In the seatback in front of each child I put a small notebook (each a different color, of course!) that I bought from the dollar store. I also bought a pencil bag and filled it with pencils, colored pencils, washable markers, and a pencil sharpener. No crayons in the car...but that is a post for a different day! Now the kids have supplies for drawing a picture, or playing tic tac toe, etc.
It works for me! Now head over to Rocks in My Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday tips!


Teri said...

What a precious drawing. What color are the notebooks?

Kate said...

That's a great idea! We should do something similar.

Unknown said...

What a lovely drawing.

We don't have a car. But I'll keep this tip in mind for the summer.
I'm sure I can help someone that way.

You can find my tip at:

Laane on the World

Have a great week and an amazing spring!!!

Michie said...

That's a great idea. I've been thinking I need a little travel kit of toys and whatnot that just stays in the car. :)

Jane said...

this is much better than keeping pens and having the kids write on receipts for entertainment :)

I mom, therefore I blog.