Friday, April 18, 2008

Seven and 10,000

I was tagged by Domestic Accident for a Seven Things About Me Meme... um, a while ago! And I just couldn't thing of seven funny or weird things about myself. Not to imply that I am completely normal. Just that I guess I think all of my weirdness IS normal! Hmmmm. Anyway, this morning I reached 10,000 hits on this little ol' blog. So to commemorate the milestone-here is more than you ever wanted to know.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

So. About ME.

1. I am a compulsive list maker. I have an unhealthy fear of forgetting something important, so I constantly have a list or five, going. No really. I keep a ready list on my computer for Wal-mart trips. And the grocery store. By aisle. And a list of all of the Halloween costumes we have. By size. And a list of things for my dad to do when he comes to visit. Twice a year. And my favorite list of for books I've read, want to read or in case I forget, am currently reading!

I'm not sure how all of these things are supposed to decrease the chance of forgetting something important, but there you go. So if you need to borrow a statue of liberty costume, size 4, let me know. I'm your girl.

2. I love Elvis. Not the go-light-a-candle-at-Graceland kind of love, but I LOVE his music! My favorite Christmas present this year was an Elvis gospel CD. I was born in Memphis so maybe it's genetic.

3. I AM the accidental tourist. I think it is a blast to find the fun, weird, ironic things that give a place it's claim to fame. Bring on the world's biggest ball of twine! Or the Tree that owns itself. I want to see it. Really.

4. I never wanted to be a stay-at-home Mom. I had a career that I loved and I just didn't see "wasting" my education. Now I can't imagine life any other way! Although some days the little people drag me down, dude.

5. I cry at baptisms. Every one of them. I'm not sure why-I mean it's a happy occasion! I don't really cry at weddings or birthdays or anything else...

6. I think mushrooms are disgusting. I hadn't eaten one since I was little, so I tried to be open-minded and tasted one on purpose the other day. BLLLCK. I mean seriously. It's a fungus. I don't think they were made to be eaten. And I don't think pineapple belongs on pizza, either. I don't care what you say.

7. I couldn't think of anything for number 7. I even asked Jim to help without fear of reprisal and he SAID he couldn't think of anything. Big chicken.

Ladies at Wilson Wit, A Day In the Life, Lil'd, Kim1Champ and Jane Says-you're up! And Kim the Snake Hunter...I'd tag you too, if you would get off your duff and start a blog!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10,000 hits! Woohoo!

Will you still like me if I confess I like mushrooms?

UK lass in US said...

I write lists, too. My problem is that I then lose them...

Now, do I have to come up with another 7 things? I struggled enough with the last set and they were all boring ones!

I mom, therefore I blog.