Monday, April 21, 2008


I had to slam on my brakes today to avoid rear-ending the car in front of me. Why? Because I was trying to read a faded road sign. It had a tow truck on it and said:

Follow too close and you'll pay!

Sonic diet cokes ROCK! Until you bump the cup and it spills in your cup holder. And then 5 minutes later, you realize diet coke is still spilling out through the rip in the side of the styrofoam an inch from the bottom.

I finally went and picked out new glasses today. I splurged on the ones that have magnetic sunglasses that go over them. My sister called me the queen of the dorks. Finally, I'm royalty!

I took two dresses that didn't fit **SIGH** back to Target today. I had time to kill so I walked all over the store. When I went to check out I realized that I had NOTHING in my buggy. At Target! That is a momentous day. It may never happen again.

Exciting day.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Sonic happy hours are the best. I too have had the dilemna of the styrofoam forever pouring hole

I mom, therefore I blog.