Alternate Title: See What You Can Make With Roofing Insulation, Tape and Toothpicks
Vacation Bible School is this week at our church. Tomorrow, 700+ kids set sail on a High Seas Expedition!
Which is why LAST week, with my trusty team of TWO (Thanks, Diana and Heather!!!!!) I was cutting and painting and sweating in a "shipyard" to build a sea-worthy vessel for the trip!
Cardboard boxes make great barrels and trunks.
a working helm
It took four people and an extra trip to Home Depot to get the 20-foot-tall mast up. (and lots of lewd comments!)
Heather and I even used the Pythagorean Theorem correctly. (See, I can do math!)
In spite of technical difficulties, we pulled it off again. Every year I say that this is the LAST year I am doing the set. Although next year's theme is really cute...
You NEVER cease to amaze me!
SOOO much fun all that cutting and painting and measuring! And yes, it is amazing the end result! Those zebra stripes really did turn into a wood-grain!
Great job! Mom
LOVE VBS. such fun memories of it as a kid
oh... and I ALWAYS appreciated the props :)
These pictures are amazing! We love them. It looks like you are going to have an amazing VBS!
The Group VBS Team
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